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Purposes & Activities

Purposes & Activities

The main purposes and social aims of LINGUAM FOUNDATION are to promote multiculturalism and to encourage mutual understanding of languages to achieve a respectful coexistence at the service of peace and culture.

In order to do so, LINGUAM promotes language learning, develops activities to gradually progress in to the respective cultures, especially with the European languages, focuses on top quality education, and facilitates international mobility (Bylaws of Linguam Foundation, Article 6).

The Foundation is registered at the Register of Foundations of the Foral Community of Navarre, of the Resolution No 45/2012, dated July 26th. Fiscal code G71086748.

Some of activities included in the baylaws:

  • To promote among educational institutes the importance within the study of languages.
  • To publish articles and participate as both attendees and speakers in in different congresses and events aimed to promote grater cohesión of the European Union with a better understanding of the community languages.
  • Design and organize training activities to promote effective teaching of European languages.
  • To train young people, especially recent graduates, hoping to facilitate their path professionally as foreing language teachers or to help them to work in multinational environments.
  • To give grants and scholarships to promote the Spanish language in the different European countries.
  • To give grants and scholarships to encourage Spanish citizens to learn other European languages.
  • To implement activities throughout schools and universities to allow students to have an easier acces to other European languages.